Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Fortier Family Reunion Detroit Lakes, MN July

Birthday Anniversary Extravaganza

This was the big weekend of the summer. August 16: Shana's 30th birthday. Jon and Shana's 5th wedding anniversary. PJ's birthday on the 15th. Kate and Andy's birthday on the 17th. We had 4 sites reserved with over 30 people camping in the foothills of Mt. Adams, Washington. A hot, beautiful weekend with lots of swimming and wading to stay cool. Wilson discovered watermelon that weekend and was in heaven.

Wilson at the Wilson river

Wilson loves to swim. One of our favorite summer escapes is swimming and camping at the Wilson River. It's an hour drive from our house toward the coast. It really is called the Wilson River.

Wilson eating his favorite summer food: Strawberries!

Brian in our living room reading to his nephew

Portland, Flynn's backyard, Brian visiting with Chris

Wilson with his favorite shirt on

Minneapolis, Minnehaha park, June 2008

Minneapolis, Minnehaha park, June 2008

Minneapolis, Memorial Day 2008

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Backyard Swimming

A hot May day swimming in the backyard. The boys spent much of the summer staying cool in the backyard, since we have no air conditioning.

Wilson and Riley

Here Wilson and Riley are together in our house.

Here the family is together eating at Salty's restaurant on the Columbia River.

Timberline Lodge

A few more photos of the Dabys and Thompsons up on Mt. Hood at the Timberline Lodge. The photo out the window shows the Oregon cascades south of Mt. Hood, starting with Mt. Jefferson, N. Sister, Middle Sister, and S. Sister among others.

Family at the Fred Meyer Cabin: April

In April the Thompsons: Kim, Brian, Logan, Garret; and the Dabys: Neil, Liz, Miranda; all visited Oregon for Wilson's Unitarian dedication. We rented the same wonderful cabin up on Mt. Hood that Brett and all our friends had stayed at a month earlier. We had a beautiful weekend. The boys went skiing at Mt. Hood Meadows, and the ladies and Wilson stayed back and read stories by the river, went for walks, and enjoyed the wonderful cabin that the Fred Meyer family used as their summer vacation home.

Mt. Hood X-Country skiing

Brett visited us in March and we rented: The Fred Meyer Cabin up on Mt. Hood. Shana, Wilson, Wally, and I went skiing around Government Camp on a beautiful day.

Our new bike trailer/stroller also has the ability to put skis on the bottom for this purpose. This sled was rented. We are gearing up for another fall and winter in the snow.

OK I'm going back to April with photos. I'll be posting them in chronological order, with the most current at the top.

This is Brett visiting in March

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

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My how the time has flew. It's late before it's afternoon. To quote the good doctor. Sorry to all for the inexcusable delay of photos. But we are back up and much more to come.

Wilson is 1 year old! And all his family was there to celebrate with him in Bemidji, MN. His Grandma Daby made him a giant cupcake.
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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Wilson is getting to be such a big boy. He sits up all alone now, and the babbling. He loves to tell stories in his own little language. His favorite syllable is "Da". He is very expressive with this one. I am not sure when a baby has their first word, but he definitely says "Da Da" often. I'm going to go ahead and call this one as the official first word. How nice.

Wilson had his Dedication Ceremony at the Unitarian Church in Portland that Shana and I have been attending. It was really nice. Both the Thompsons, the Dabys, and Miranda Daby, his godmother made the trip out to Portland for the ceremony.

We stayed for 2 nights in an amazing cabin up on Mt. Hood. A great time was had by all. Temperature int he 70's, sunny, a beautiful Oregon spring day, sorry to say it was nearly hailing yesterday. I guess it couldn't last.

A shout out to our good friends the Sweany's in Australia. Christy's regular blog reminders keep me on my toes. She wants to see that little guy, and I can't blame her!

We're back to normal after the excitement of company and special events weekend.

Here are the latest photos. I've heard the Mexico pictures were cut off in some browsers, not sure how to fix this problem. Here goes...

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Wilson's 6 Months Old!

Happy half birthday to Wilson today. He still is on a steady schedule of waking at 2 am, feeding, and waking again at 5 am. But that's OK. His Mom says she is not ready to let him cry and kind of likes getting up with him.

Here are the photos from Mexico. Wilson dipped his feet in the Pacific Ocean, ate some chicken tamale, and hung out with a very kind Mexican transvestite. He is really seeing the world.

The trip was so special with my Mom and Dad. I don't think it would have mattered if we were on Antarctica as long as Wilson was there. We all had such an amazing time. It was sad to see it end.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

The Portland Daby's have been busy in the new year. Since new years Wilson has been to Mexico, and Minneapolis and back again. We are looking forward to staying put for a few months, but lots of visitors coming gives us lots to look forward to.

Here are the photos from January, all in Portland at our house.

He's getting to be such a big boy!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

A few more pictures from Christmas in Grafton and Drayton. We sure had fun with all the family.

Well, the holidays are over and we are settling into normal life again. Of course, Wilson's sleep schedule has been totally thrown off, leaving Shana and I pretty tired for these first few nights. But he is returning to his longer sleeping which we are very excited about.

Wilson is just changing in leaps and bounds. He really giggles and laughs now when you tickle him. He is still learning to grab things. But he is changing every day.

Here are a few photos before Christmas: