Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Fortier Family Reunion Detroit Lakes, MN July

Birthday Anniversary Extravaganza

This was the big weekend of the summer. August 16: Shana's 30th birthday. Jon and Shana's 5th wedding anniversary. PJ's birthday on the 15th. Kate and Andy's birthday on the 17th. We had 4 sites reserved with over 30 people camping in the foothills of Mt. Adams, Washington. A hot, beautiful weekend with lots of swimming and wading to stay cool. Wilson discovered watermelon that weekend and was in heaven.

Wilson at the Wilson river

Wilson loves to swim. One of our favorite summer escapes is swimming and camping at the Wilson River. It's an hour drive from our house toward the coast. It really is called the Wilson River.

Wilson eating his favorite summer food: Strawberries!

Brian in our living room reading to his nephew

Portland, Flynn's backyard, Brian visiting with Chris

Wilson with his favorite shirt on

Minneapolis, Minnehaha park, June 2008

Minneapolis, Minnehaha park, June 2008

Minneapolis, Memorial Day 2008